Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

Welcome to Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

I’m glad you stopped by. With the current state of our world continuing to respond to the ongoing coronavirus, three things have come into focus:
(1) personal health
(2) financial security
(3) time with family

My name is Donna Racette and I specialize in empowering women and men to take the reins of their health to become the dominant force in their own life, body, mind, and abundance. Is that what you’re seeking?

My blogs are below and I hope you will enjoy them – but, to learn how I help empower people like you to take the reins of your health, keep reading here


Saturday / April 02 / 2011

Is rubber duckie really the one?: it’s my birthday and I’m irrevocably happy

Is Rubber Duckie really the one? Ernie will tell you he is. Actually, he’ll sing it! I’m a big fan of baths. In fact, I prefer them to showers. So does my Mom. Like mother like daughter. Read the full story…

Wednesday / March 30 / 2011

Celebrating with surgical precision: birthdays, press conferences, and Ray Agnew

What a picture-perfect day for celebration… complete with blue skies, Adirondack sunshine and just enough Spring to leave your jacket behind.

So just what is there to celebrate? Read the full story…

Monday / March 28 / 2011

Everybody wants to see another birthday, but death is mandatory

Death is the one thing we’re certain awaits, no matter our beliefs, upbringing, health habits or how ‘good’ we’ve been. It’s unavoidable. Mandatory, if you will. Read the full story…

Wednesday / March 23 / 2011

The case for the handwritten note: become a better communicator

Grant and Donna at Grant’s May 2008 graduation from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC

Anyone got a pen? …anyone?

I’m sure you remember the stylus. It wasn’t so long ago when everyone had a PDA or other gadget with said stylus. Now all you need to gain access to your friends, your network and the world is a working digit. Read the full story…

Tuesday / March 22 / 2011

Life is fragile: today I celebrate Tina Fonzo

Without wordsmithing, I simply say, “Happy birthday, Tina.”

Today marks the day Tina Fonzo came into this world 41 years ago. She left it when she was 16. Read the full story…