Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

Welcome to Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

I’m glad you stopped by. With the current state of our world continuing to respond to the ongoing coronavirus, three things have come into focus:
(1) personal health
(2) financial security
(3) time with family

My name is Donna Racette and I specialize in empowering women and men to take the reins of their health to become the dominant force in their own life, body, mind, and abundance. Is that what you’re seeking?

My blogs are below and I hope you will enjoy them – but, to learn how I help empower people like you to take the reins of your health, keep reading here


Monday / June 13 / 2011

Why I’d argue the best of friends aren’t only found in your college years

I had the unique opportunity to engage with three of my dearest childhood friends this weekend. We’ve known each other since we were “knee high to a grasshopper” (as Angel McAllister would say). How is it that you can be friends with individuals who are so vastly different than you, but with whom you share a bond that cannot be explained or undone? Is that unconditional love? Read the full story…

Sunday / June 05 / 2011

Little gray hair: yeah, I guess this is part of The You Evolution™, too

Eeeek! I found my first gray hair! Actually, I’m pretty certain it was white. Is that possible? No one drives me crazy enough to make me pull my hair out or give me white hair. And according to the research I’ve done, wiseGEEK included, your hair can absolutely not turn white from fright, no matter how extreme.

Drat. Guess that means I’m getting old. Read the full story…

Sunday / May 29 / 2011

Sweet pea in the pool: I have so much to learn from my 9-month old grandson

Splish-splashing with wild abandon. There’s nothing quite like it. And no one does it better or with more enthusiasm than my nine-month-old grandson Brody. I have so much to learn from him.

Read the full story…

Friday / May 20 / 2011

I need to be me and you need to be you

I spent this morning in discovery with friend and master marketer Sarah Gray. We talked about goals, drive, passion — all the while sipping coffee at The Chocolate Mill in downtown Glens Falls, New York. Can’t think of a better way to start the day.

We discussed age old questions, like “who am I?”, “what do I represent?”, “how do I define myself?” Deep stuff for the start of a weekend, yet I end the day feeling inspired, ignited and invigorated. Read the full story…

Sunday / May 15 / 2011

It’s not all denim jumpers: my sister’s homeschooling gets an “A” in my book

Let’s play word association. I say, “green” you say, “go”. I say, “puppy” you say, “love”. I say, “homeschooling” you say, “um… sheltered?” Ouch. Well, listen up. I’m about to change that dated perception.

Read the full story…