Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

Welcome to Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

I’m glad you stopped by. With the current state of our world continuing to respond to the ongoing coronavirus, three things have come into focus:
(1) personal health
(2) financial security
(3) time with family

My name is Donna Racette and I specialize in empowering women and men to take the reins of their health to become the dominant force in their own life, body, mind, and abundance. Is that what you’re seeking?

My blogs are below and I hope you will enjoy them – but, to learn how I help empower people like you to take the reins of your health, keep reading here


Monday / September 05 / 2011

Dealing with depression: a personal story

News of social media guru Trey Pennington’s suicide spread rampantly across social media channels last night, forcing me – and thousands of others – to look squarely at dealing with depression. And for me, it’s personal…

I Have Depression, Too. Read the full story…

Friday / August 26 / 2011

What exactly IS The You Evolution™?

I’m pleased to present my second video blog (or “vlog”), defining The You Evolution™. Read the full story…

Monday / August 22 / 2011

The phone call you never want to get

Our Monday morning started with more frivolity than usual. Casual dress, sunscreen in hand, and a cooler filled with fruit salad and grill-ables. We couldn’t have picked a more glorious Adirondack day for our staff picnic on Lake George.

And then the phone rang… Read the full story…

Monday / August 15 / 2011

Nails with Neeser: when heroine is good

Denise & Donna (Girls’ Weekend in New York City, Fall 2007)

“Nails w/ Neeser”. That’s what my calendar read for 3:30pm yesterday. A pedicure date with a bestie. Long overdue, much needed time together. 

We reclined in the massaging chairs (quick to turn off the “seat” option because, well, it’s just awkward to have things poking at your butt!) Read the full story…

Tuesday / August 09 / 2011

Are you fluent in random words of kindness?

You know those days when you feel like you’ve been hit by a Mack truck? When your body yanks the emergency brake in an attempt to stop you from running a-hundred-miles-an-hour? When you (and others) begin to liken you to a zombie?

Yesterday was one of those days for me. Read the full story…