Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

Welcome to Heart Led Health by Coach Donna

I’m glad you stopped by. With the current state of our world continuing to respond to the ongoing coronavirus, three things have come into focus:
(1) personal health
(2) financial security
(3) time with family

My name is Donna Racette and I specialize in empowering women and men to take the reins of their health to become the dominant force in their own life, body, mind, and abundance. Is that what you’re seeking?

My blogs are below and I hope you will enjoy them – but, to learn how I help empower people like you to take the reins of your health, keep reading here


Sunday / December 18 / 2011

Are YOU ready for Christmas?

16-month-old Brody enjoys making (read: eating) gingerbread houses (December 4, 2011 at Christ Church in upstate NY)
16-month-old Brody enjoys making (read: eating) gingerbread houses (December 4, 2011 at Christ Church in upstate NY)

Tis the season to be asked over and over, “Are you ready for Christmas!?” It’s a seasonal question we pull out every year. Part of our comfortable, don’t-get-too-deep language; like asking, “How are you?” after you’ve said hello.

For the past several years, I’ve adopted a new outlook. Read the full story…

Saturday / December 10 / 2011

The question that does not discriminate

Stunning sunset in Charleston, South Carolina (September 13, 2011)
Stunning sunset in Charleston, South Carolina (September 13, 2011)

Ah, the age old question that does not discriminate. No matter gay or straight, rich or poor, young or old, educated or not, this question invades everyone’s space. Everyone’s. Read the full story…

Tuesday / December 06 / 2011

When enchantment is threatened

But… how can the Easter Bunny REALLY get to every single house in just one night?”, she inquired, enunciating every single word, her chocolate eyes peering at me from beneath a furrowed brow. Read the full story…

Friday / December 02 / 2011

There are no such things as chance encounters

Success is rooted in relationships. When we take the time to invest in other people’s lives and build relationships, real transformation can take place in their lives and ours. Read the full story…

Wednesday / November 30 / 2011

Rescuing “me” inside Depressed Me

My cherished siblings Deborah and Mark [Christmas 2007 in Westminster, Maryland]
My cherished siblings Deborah and Mark [Christmas 2007 in Westminster, Maryland]

So… it’s 2:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep. Not really sure why. Just “one of those nights”, I guess. It’s times like these my mind seems to ponder the deepest. So after about three hours of wide-eyed tossing and turning, I opted to get up and write a note to my most cherished siblings. Read the full story…